'Kiss Me Deadly'
Gallery Baton, Seoul, March 11 - April 11, 2015


Through the loss of the usual clear contrast and the general indistinctness the paintings evoke I want to suggest residual memory traces. Something buried or suppressed is rising from the depth or fading away. Visually,  I want to force a less structured kind of seeing,  a semi-blinding, such as we experience at twilight. Without radiant and ambient light, contrasts cannot be easily perceived, and when there is a paucity of adequate visual information  we must draw more on our imagination. Fleetingly presented or vague images  suggest liquidity circulating  at the heart of reality. Our vision moves freely, spontaneously, back and forth, between dream and reality, fact and fantasy. This  in-betweeen-ness or visual ambiguity is an evanescence in the mind that is the consequence of the inability to make clear visual distinctions. It can be understood to cause confusion,  deficit, lack or absence, but it can also imply potentiality. A sense of flux and process has the effect of de-polarizing, bringing about the coincidence of two seemingly different poles. As a result, it stages the conditions that make change possible.